

Issue 84 of "Texte zur Kunst" inquires into the current state of feminism. The movement associated with the term has reached a precarious moment in its history. There is the assertion that the demands of feminism have been largely met through establishing gender mainstreaming programs and institutionalizing gender studies in universities. The mood has never been more "post-feminist" or "post-gender" than today. However, this zeitgeist is also the symptom of an ideology purporting to be "post-ideological", according to which there is no social inequality but only individual failure. Just like it is allegedly up to each person which place they assume in society, it supposedly also lies with the individual women whether they are restricted by their gender or not. In the face of an ideology that obscures this situation, an ideology generously granting individuals liberty precisely to the degree to which the question of the social conditions of liberty is suppressed, one must call to mind feminism's political stake. Feminism exposes the question of gender inequality as a social question. With issue 84 "Texte zur Kunst" surveys the state of feminism in arts and academics, in media and everyday life.
read preface here
read Pamela M. Lee's Post-Feminism ... Post-Gender? here