

Acção de desanimação cultural

No âmbito das acções, desencadeadas em várias frentes, com vista a protestar contra o fim do serviço público no Rivoli Teatro Municipal, vimos por este meio convidá-lo a:

- Apresentar-se vestido de negro, na Praça D. João I, às 17h45 do dia 31 de Outubro, data prevista de anúncio dos resultados da consulta pública referente às candidaturas a uma gestão privada do Rivoli.

- Trazer um saco preto de plástico king size (vulgar saco de lixo de jardim), suficiente mente vasto para, mediante três cortes (um para enfiar a cabeça, dois para enfiar os braços), poder enfiá-lo por cima da roupa que trouxer vestida.

- Trazer um pedaço de pano preto (o tamanho poderá variar entre dois decímetros quadrados e um metro quadrado).

- Arvorar um ar no mínimo contrafeito, porventura rivoltoso.

Uma orquestra ambulante abrilhantará a cerimónia fúnebre.






dove's telling us what we already knew, but here it goes
how to make a beauty
convem nao esquecer que campanhas contra o ideal de beleza servem tamb'em para vender beleza --


Loraine Leeson

Art for change

A retrospective exhibition of work from the mid 70s to the present day combining activism, politics, education and research. Art for Change celebrates Loraine Leeson as an artist whose work has influenced and supported social change for over 30 years.

space studios - London



it comes a bit late - desculpem!!!

Post / Porn / Politics
— symposium on queer feminist perspectives on the politics of porn performance and sex as culture production.
14 e 15 de outubro no porn festival berlin

Why watch porn?
Why not?
Or why not look for "other" porn?
How theorize sex performances?
How produce other body-technologies?
How celebrate critical pleasures?
How criticise without censorship?
Why affirm the fetish?
Why sexualise alienation?
How intensify the relation between theory & practice?
Why is power sexy?
Why the body a victim of capitalist commodification?
Why not fuck different, instead of idealising a way back to nature?

clica-me !!!

Días y noches de amor y de guerra

Querida Carla,

gostaria de te fazer uma crónica destes dias portuenses mas acho que nem sou capaz. Hoje acabou-se tudo no Rivoli, eu fiquei lá à porta até às 4 da manhã e a polícia chegou às 6. Já estávamos todos muito cansados e nem falo dos de dentro. A comunicação social já se tinha recolhido, só restava a chuvinha de sempre e os malucos típicos da madrugada.
Disseram-me que foram clínicos e anormalmente bem educados. Vinham açaimados. O Rio não quer levantar mais poeira.
A onda de solidariedade entre artistas e produtores culturais foi finalmente visível, e comovente, até houve uma pequena manifestação em Lisboa! Mais declarações públicas, algumas esperadas (Jorge Silva Melo, Luís Miguel Cintra, João Fernandes), outras mais surpreendentes (Ricardo Pais, Miguel von Hafe).

Os ocupas, esses "descontrolados" conseguiram agitar a cidade por uns dias. Amanhã vão todos a tribunal, entre eles o H., a C. e o C..
Esta democracia é musculada. Primeiro, tentaram vencê-los pelo cansaço, pelo frio, pela fome e pela sede. Não havia luz nem água no interior e o ar condicionado estava sempre no máximo. E tentaram impedir o abastecimento do exterior. Foi necessária muita imaginação. Uma mangueira, que passava pela frincha da porta, fornecia sopa, água, vinho! Passavam-se bilhetinhos, porque os telemóveis ficaram todos sem bateria. Era lindo de ver!

A opinião pública? Quem o poderá dizer? Parece-me que à partida já os bandos estão formados e que não sofrem grandes alterações, aconteça o que acontecer. Há quem pense que foi uma pouca-vergonha, tipo "vai-mas-é-trabalhar!", outros (muitos?) pensam que foi um exemplo de coragem ao velho estilo do Porto. O tempo dirá, ou calará.

Angelo Ferreia de Sousa
20 de Outubro 2006


O Haiti nao 'e aqui!

"E o venerável cardeal disser que vê tanto espírito no feto
E nenhum no marginal"
(caetano veloso - gilberto gil)

Women On Waves



(devido ‘a dificuldade de editar os texto em portugues – nao havera acentos)

Agora que estou pela finlandia posso dar noticias tambem do que por aqui se passa.
Assim: a artista do ano na finlandia ‘e Heta Kuchka – que apresenta um corpo de trabalho que reflecte: diferentes papeis de genero na sociedade (como num video em que um jovem rapaz fala da experiencia de ser pai),comunicacao (trabalhos que explora as formas de "engate" - casamento - confissoes adolescentes acerca do amor), jogando sempre os papeis das suas personagens apresenta-nos tambem uma ficcao sobre a sua propria vida numa tentativa de perceber como teria sido se em vez da sua familia ter escolhido viver no pais de origem materno, a finlandia, tivessem escolhido viver no pais do pai – EUA. Numa S'erie de testemnunhos de familiares e vizinhos desses familiares nos Estado Unidos.

"Heta Kuchka (1974) works mostly in photography and video. She deals with mundane everyday matters, daily surroundings and communication between people. Many of her works are based on role plays in which she casts herself and others. She is fascinated with life's arbitrariness and her hallmark is humour, even when the subject is grave.

Heta Kuchka was born and raised in Finland but her father was from the United States and she has US citizenship. In her latest piece What if… she constructs an alternative personal past using photographs and videos. What would Heta be like had she grown up in the United States? Kuchka interviews imaginary and real relatives, neighbours and friends who talk about her life in America."
museum Meilahti

women artists 2003


State of Translocality

This blog is meant as a platform for research and debate about the field of TRANSLOCALITY. In a performative act at the 12th of October 2006 Bettina Wind and Alexandra Ferreira proclaimed the STATE OF TRANSLOCALITY and distributed first visa for free. The STATE OF TRANSLOCALITY is a state of mind as well as a geographic territory, neglecting borders, having roots on both sides while navigating mentally as well as physically through the space in between.



n.paradoxa: international feminist art journal

the theme of the next 4 volumes for 2007 and 2008


n.paradoxa publishes work by women writers, artists and curators which discusses the work of contemporary women artists (visual arts only) and its relationship to feminist theory. It has an open submission for every volume and no regular contributors.

A special feature of the journal are the artists pages, where artists are asked to produce a 2-6 page work, suitable for the print media. Suggestions for these are welcome.

n.paradoxa does not publish exhibition reviews, only in-depth articles which may be based on exhibitions or projects. Interviews are only commissioned for new work or a review of major projects by women artists.

If you have a proposal for an article, interview, feature or artists' pages, please contact the editor, Katy Deepwell k.deepwell@ukonline.co.uk Please send an email with an outline of the idea, the artists, and the approach you wish to take for articles, interviews, features or projects.

Now in its 9th year of publication, n.paradoxa is the only international feminist art journal dedicated to contemporary women artists and feminist theory around the world!

Themes of the next four volumes

IN/Difference (Jan 2007) - copy deadline is November 15 2006

Martha Rosler wrote in the 1980s against using women as a ³token for all markers of difference², arguing that ³appreciation of the work of women whose subject is oppression exhausts consideration of all oppressions². Does marking the difference that sex/gender produces exhaust consideration of other oppressions in terms of class, ethnicity, race, sexuality in cultural production? This volume seeks to address how race, sex and class interact and whether indifference is the result of collisions between terms. Another theme is the question ofdifference instigated by Derrida and the relationships between feminism and deconstruction.

Translate/Narrate (July 2007) - copy deadline is May 15 2007

Narrative continues to be a theme in contemporary art, even in non-linear forms. Oral history, even testimony, has become a key subject of video art. Translation plays a key role in how the spoken voice is heard cross-culturally. Yet translation does not offer the immediacy of hearing a voice in one¹s first language. It mediates reality. The uneasy relationship between translation and narrative provide the key to this volume which inevitably will centre on questions of interpretation and cultural criticism.

Violence (January 2008) - copy deadline is November 15 2007

Making a statement is sometimes regarded as a violent act. If that statement is about violence, the violence against women in particular, what will be its impact. Violence against women ­ sexual, mental and physical - continues to be a horrific feature of the modern world, in war and in peacetime. The involvement of women in violence or as solders or terrorists has also been the subject of some recent works. Many women artists have made work which examines the violence against women or shows women¹s escape from that violence as well as women who are involved in perpetrating violence and this volume will offer interpretations of this work.

Incidental (July 2008) - copy deadline is May 15 2007

Yve Lomax¹s recent book, Sounding the Event, provides the inspiration for this volume. What is the status of an event? An incident? This is key to both installation and performance works, namely, their recognition as an event of note, as something which is recognised for being an event. What is the contribution of women producers to the production of noteworthy events in contemporary art?

Another theme draws on the other meaning of ³incidental², in the trivial or minor, will be used to explore concepts of the everyday in contemporary art.

Rok prijave: 15/11/06, 15/05/07, 15/11/07

international feminist art journal
Katy Deepwell, Editor of n.paradoxa
38 Bellot Street
SE10 0AQ London
tel: +44 (0) 208 858 3331


angela ferreira


INAUGURAÇÃO: 27 Setembro, 22 hs

ARTISTS' BRUNCH: 21 Outubro, 12 hs


Adia Millet (EUA)
Ângela Ferreira (Portugal)
Fernanda Fragateiro (Portugal)
Miriam Backström (Suécia)
Mona Hatoum (Líbano)
Narelle Jubelin (Australia)
Susana Mendes Silva (Portugal)
Wangechi Mutu (Quénia)

Comissariado: Filipa Oliveira

28 de Setembro -
8 de Novembro de 2006