Galerija Miroslav Kraljevic
5 — 26.05. 2012
May 5, 2012, 7 pm
Galerija Miroslav Kraljevic, Subiceva 29, Zagreb
Ebtisam Abdulaziz, Marina Abramović, Helena Almeida, Eleanor Antin, Oreet Ashery, Antonia Baehr, Maja Bajević, Anne Bean, Anat Ben-David & Adrienne Altenhaus, Renate Bertlmann, Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz, Nisrine Boukhari, Marijs Boulogne, Tania Bruguera, Maris Bustamante, Cabello / Carceller, Graciela Carnevale, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Helen Chadwick, Chicks on Speed, Lygia Clark, Colette, Nieves Correa, Laura Cottingham, Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen, Disband, Ines Doujak, Orshi Drozdik, Yingmei Duan, Diamela Eltit, VALIE EXPORT, Factory of Found Clothes (Natalia Pershina / Olga Egorova), Esther Ferrer, Rose Finn-Kelcey, Simone Forti, (e.) Twin Gabriel (Else Gabriel / Ulf Wrede), Regina José Galindo, Rimma Gerlovina and Valeriy Gerlovin, Patrycja German, Ghazel, Kate Gilmore, Mona Hatoum, María Teresa Hincapié, Nan Hoover, Sanja Iveković, Elżbieta Jabło  4;s ka, Françoise Janicot, Joan Jonas, Anne Jud, Kirsten Justesen, Kanonklubben, Line Skywalker Karlström, Tina Keane, Verica Kovacevska, Elena Kovylina, Katarzyna Kozyra, Christina Kubisch, Verena Kyselka, Nicola L, Latifa Laâbissi, Leslie Labowitz, Suzanne Lacy, Katalin Ladik, Sigalit Landau, Klara Lidén, Kalup Linzy, Natalia LL, Léa Lublin, Jumana Manna, Manon, María Evelia Marmolejo, Muda Mathis, Dóra Maurer, Mónica Mayer, Ana Mendieta, Marta Minujín, Fina Miralles, Linda Montano, Charlotte Moorman, Teresa Murak, Sands Murray-Wassink, Rabbya Naseer & Hurmat Ul Ain, Lorraine O’Grady, Hannah O’Shea, Itziar Okariz, Yoko Ono, ORLAN, Tanja Ostojić, Gina Pane, Letícia Parente, Ewa Partum, Jillian Peña, Performance Saga, Howardena Pindell, Adrian Piper, Polvo de Gallina Negra (Mónica Mayer & Maris Bustamante), Yvonne Rainer, Eglė Rakauskaitė, Jytte Rex & Kirsten Justesen, Ulrike Rosenbach, Martha Rosler, Boryana Rossa sa Ultrafuturo, María Ruido, Raeda Saadeh, Andrea Saemann, Estíbaliz Sábada, Zorka Ságlová, Christine Schlegel, Cornelia Schleime, Carolee Schneemann, Stefanie Seibold & Teresa María Díaz Nerio, Miriam Sharon, Bonnie Ora Sherk, Barbara T. Smith, Cornelia Sollfrank, Spiderwoman Theater, Annie M. Sprinkle & Elizabeth M. Stevens, Gabriele Stötzer, Sandra Sterle, Melati Suryodarmo, Jinoos Taghizadeh, Milica Tomić, Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Valie Export Society, Cecilia Vicuña, The Waitresses, Julita Wójcik, Faith Wilding, Hannah Wilke, Martha Wilson, Nil Yalter.
After the presentations at the Montehermoso Cultural Center (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain) and Wyspa Institute of Art (Gdansk, Poland), re.act.feminism #2_a performing archive will be presented in Zagreb, at Galerija Miroslav Kraljević. The exhibition/launch of the archive containing over 200 works by artists from all over the world will open on Saturday, May 05th, 7 pm at G-MK.
re.act.feminism #2_a performing archive is a continually expanding, temporary and living performance archive travelling through six European countries from 2011 to 2013. It involves feminist, gender-critical and queer performance works by artists and artistic collectives from the 1960s until today, presented through textual, video and photo documentation. Based on collaborations with local partners, the archive is continually expanded and animated through exhibitions, educational and discursive programs. The current scope of the archive can be viewed at After its Zagreb presentation the archive will be enriched with new additions primarily by artists from the region.
The presentation of the archive in Zagreb will be accompanied by discursive programs that foreground and incite local research on (the history of) performance. In the last few years, this has become an increasingly dicussed topic, accompanied by noticeable rise in curatorial, artistic and publishing projects on both the history of performance and curating performance. To what extent are these recent critical, curatorial and artists’ projects shaped by feminist or queer theories? How can these theories transform our understanding of writing histories, or thinking about archives? These are some of the questions that the Zagreb presentation of the re.act.feminism archive will address.
Two student workshops led by Suzana Marjanic will address topics of the use of animals in performance art, as well as the link between music, noise and performance. Starting from already existing examples from the re.act.feminism archive, the workshops will move on to link them with local examples and theoretical perspectives. The round-table dicussion 'Historicizing, re-enacting, and archiving performance (artistic, curatorial and art historical perspectives)' will take place on May 18, at 5.30 pm and will involve the participation of: Sanja Ivekovic, Bettina Knaup, KONTEJNER, Iva Kovac & Elvis Krstulovic, Jelena Petrovic, Sandra Sterle.
The workshops and discussions, as well as proposals by the audience, will act as a base for introducing new additions to the re.act.feminism archive, therefore encouraging a collaborative process of curating and discussing the archive, whose main curators and selectors are Bettina Knaup and Beatrice E. Stammer.We especially invite students and teachers interested in performance art, feminist, gender and queer theories, as well as all interested public, to actively use the archive during its presentation in Zagreb. This includes proposing new programs (open or closed workshops, video screenings, lectures, etc.)
The main organizer is the Berlin based organization cross links e.V., dedicated to research and promotion of experimental, gender-critical artistic and cultural practices.
Galerija Miroslav Kraljević, one of the seven project partners, is the organizer of the project’s presentation and program in Zagreb.
Supported by: Kulturstiftung des Bundes, ERSTE Stiftung, Minisrty of Culture Croatia, City of Zagreb — City office for education, culture and sports.