Kadin- Feminism between East and West Group Exhibition 22nd-31st March, 2012
Curators: Nimrod Vardi, Lee Weinberg
22nd March, 18.30- 21:30
22nd March, 2012, 19.30 -Dance performance by Maddy Wynne Jones
29th March, 2012, 19.00 - we will be holding a talk with Dr. Anastasia Vakulenko about her new book ‘Islamic Veiling in Discourse’, which is will be published later this year.
Kadin* is a group exhibition, a first milestone in an on-going long term research into expressions of femininity and feminism in contemporary culture, their representation and the relationship between them. Kadin aims at exploring contemporary currents in feminist art and to question the eroding feeling of solidarity which seems to be taking effect within the feminist movement itself and in the way that it is perceived. By exploring relationships between eastern and western perceptions and the diversity of encounters that post colonialism offers through the different expressions and understandings of femininity - the exhibition tries to touch and approach those territories in which feminism, as a movement, is both challenged and re-introduced. We believe that there is still a long way to go to reach a different state of society in which feminist movements no longer have a role. Well-known realities that starkly contrast to the assertion of a historically fulfilled feminism persist. Examples vary from unequal pay-rates, unequal opportunities at work, but also fundamental issues such as women trafficking and domestic violence. The different artists in the exhibition explore those issues through address different modes of representation of the feminine body, used, in many cases, as a political tool. Different strategies are used in order to explore what feminism might mean in contemporary times, and to reflect what has changed in our perception of both the feminine and the feminist, while offering alternative approaches or alleys through which feminism can be re-born, re-conceived, and re-gain its currency and urgency.
Participating artists: Eliza Bennet, Olgac Bozalp, Rosemary Cronin, Hannah Habibi, Carlamaria Jackson, Anna Jermolaewa, Catherine Long, Jessica McDonald, Olexa May Solomka, Benjamin Nash
*Kadin , means "woman" in Turkish. We find that like Turkey which both geographically and culturally stands on the border between the traditional West and the traditional East may symbolise a certain encounter between different understandings of the feminine. The use of a Turkish word is therefore a mean to bring forth this collision, and with it new urgent meanings of feminism that derive from the encounter between different cultures, religious practices and beliefs.