CCCB / Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona
December 01 2009 - January 03 2010
online version of the 150 pages catalogue:
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Indomitable Women at BAC 10.0
Dec. 04 2009 - Jan. 07 2010
Curated by Macu Morán, the Indomitable Women exhibition gathers a selection of audiovisual artworks developed within the past four decades, in an attempt to glimpse the ethereal something that is abackdrop to the feminine artistic praxis. Homage to those passionate
artists who fearlessly redefine contemporary aesthetic and thought, taking us all towards new futures, conceived for an advanced, dynamic and multi-faceted society.
Venues: Fundació Joan Miró, Montjuic Park andCCCB ·Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelonac/ Montealegre, 5, 08001, Barcelona, Spain
Pioneering Works Homage: THE HISTORIC CUT
- Maya Deren: At Land, 1944, 15'17'', Ukraine/U.S.A.
- Carolee Schneemann: Fuses, 1964-1967, 29'51'', U.S.A.
- Judy Chicago: Atmospheres: Duration Performances with Fireworks, 1969-1974, 14'21'', U.S.A.
- Yoko Ono: Freedom, 1972, 60'', Japan / U.S.A.
- Beryl Korot: Lost Lascaux bull, 1973, 4'10'', U.S.A.
- VALIE EXPORT: Remote… Remote, 1973, 9'55'', Austria
- Joan Jonas: Glass Puzzle, 1974, 17'27'', U.S.A.
- Ana Bella Geiger: Passages Passagens, 1974, 9'30'', Brazil
- Colette: Justine and the boys, 1979, 18' 13'', Tunizia / U.S.A.
- Orlan: Mesu-rage d'institucion. Mesu-rage du Musée Saint-Pierre, 1979, 17' 30'', France
- Marisa González:Domestic scene with a green worm, 1984, 7' 15'', Spain
- Guerrilla Girls: Guerrilla Girls, 1985-2007, 3' 30'', U.S.A.
- Ximena Cuevas: Antes de la T.V., 1985, 1' 43'', Mexico
- Joan Logue: 30 Seconds Portraits, 1980, 6' 01'', U.S.A.
- Suzanne Lacy: Learn where the meat comes from, 1976, 14'25'', U.S.A.
- Lynn Hershman: Confession of a Chamaleon, 1986, 10'00'', U.S.A.
- Paloma Navares: Els banyets, 1987, 1'40'', Spain
- Dara Birnbaum: Canon: Taking to the Street, 1990, 10'00'', U.S.A.
- Tracey Moffat: Heaven, 1990, 28'00'', Australia
- Coco Fusco: The Couple in the Cage: A Guatinaui, 1993, 31'00'',Cuba / U.S.A.
- Terry Berkovitz: Backseat, 1994, 21' 49'', U.S.A.
- Amy Greenfield: MuseIC of the BODy, 1994, 10'20'', U.S.A.
- Angie Bonino: The Wall, 1996, 1'30'', Peru/Italy
- Maria Fernanda Cardoso: Cardoso Flea Circus, 1996 , 8'00'', Colombia
- Mariko Mori: Miko No Inori, 1996, 14'50'', Japan / U.S.A.
- Martha Rosler: The Road to NAFTA, 1997, 10'00'', U.S.A.
- Beth Moyses: Dia a Dia, 1998 -1999, 6'52'', Brazil
- Dora García: Heartbeat, 1999, 5'24'', Spain
- Jenny Marketou: Dear Lady M., 1995-2009, 3'59'', Greece
- Ana de Alvear: Mood Landscapes - Reloaded, 1998, 3'00'', Spain
- Sigalit Landau: Three man hula, 1999, 1'36'', Israel
Festival Selections:
- Ester Achaerandio: Interview, 2007, 5'00'', Spain
- Grimanesa Amoros: Preocupacion, 2008, 1'22'', Peru/U.S.A.
- Paula Anta: Risoletto, 2007, 4'30'', Spain
- Carmen Arrabal: Troublee / Tsunami, 2009, 4'53'', Spain
- Gloria Arteaga: Recycle city, 2007, 5'00'', Peru
- Cristina Artola: Ages and Death, 2008, 4'26'', Spain
- Lidia Benavides: Galactoforo, 2007, 4'47'', Spain
- Patricia Betancur: Yo amo… , 2008, 5'00'', Uruguay
- Roxanne Billamboz: How to disappear brightly, 2007, 4'25'', France
- Raquel Bravo: Scenario#2, 2008, 5'00'', Spain
- Johanna Bruckner: The Gestual Abject: Myspacedotcom, 2009, 5'00", Germany
- Patricia Bueno: Yours is the Kingdom, 2007, 5'00'', Peru
- Beatriz Caravaggio: Entrevista a un hombre blanco, 2009, 1'20'', Spain
- Laura Celada: Anubis (a mith de_construction), 2009, 4'57'', Spain
- Marcela Cernadas: Rosa, 2008, 1'07'', Argentina
- Izumi Chiaraluce: Lou, 2009, 5'00'', Japan/Italy
- Maria Jose Chinchilla: Transformacion, 2008, 5'00", Spain
- Heroinas de la Cultura: Notes from Neverland, 2007, 5'00'', Spain
- Ana DeMatos: King Racing Girls, 2007, 2'44", Spain
- Begoña Egurbide: La habitación silenciosa, 2007, 3'19'', Spain
- Carmen Esplá: Rain, 2007, 3'00'', Spain
- Mari Carmen García Maheredo: Paiting Nature, 2008, 3'05'', Spain
- Regina Jose Galindo: Confession, 2007, 2'22'', Guatemala
- Chus Garcia-Fraile: Running, 2009, 2'43'', Spain
- Amparo Garrido: Don't say anything, 2008, 2'37, Spain
- Nuria Gil: Latinoamerica, 2008, 3'35'', Spain
- Anna Gimein: Maria, 2007, 4'08'', Russia/U.S.A./Spain
- Heide Hatry: Expectations, 2007, 2'47'', Germany
- Olga Kisseleva: My double Life, 2008, 2'57'', Russia
- Hye Rim Lee: Crystal City Spun 2008, 2007, 3'15", Korea
- Jin Lee-Kyung: Total Music I & II, 2006, 4'46'', Korea
- Glenda León: Inner Sea, 2006, 1'20'', Cuba
- Francesca Llopis: The virtuosity of giving me pleasure, 2007, 5'00'', Spain
- Laila Lobo: Séquiéneres (autoportrait in color), 2007, 3'00'', Spain
- Cristina Martin Lara: Landpartie If, 2008, 1'40'', Spain
- Sabine Massenet: Bande Annonce, 2009, 4'06'', France
- Laura Mergoni: Tombola, 2009, 4'05'', Italy
- Macu Moran: When wild insticts revive, predator sharpens the knife, 2007, 4'00'', Spain
- Post Op: Implants, 2006, 5'00'', Spain
- Funda Ozgunaydin: Displacement of culturalself, 2008, 4'10'', Turkey
- Teresa Puppo, Gabriela Larrañaga, Graciela Taquini: Secrets, 2007, 5'00'', Uruguay/Argentina
- Enriqueta Rocher: Under the skin, 2009, 4'32'' , Spain
- Eva Rohweder: Intervention I, 2009, 2'21'', Germany
- Alejandra Rotondi, Lorena Mendez: Cosas de Mujeres, 2009, 3'11'', Argentina
- Ana Luisa Sanchez-Law: Navigator, 2009, 3'13'', Panama
- Eva Sanchez: Yo no soy bonita, ni lo quiero ser, 2009, 2'05'', Spain
- Dafna Shalom: Arvit (Evening pray), 2008, 4'23", Israel
- Jacklyn Soo: Songs of innocence, 2008, 3'15", Singapore
- Evelin Stermitz: Table Talk, 2008, 2'34’’, Austria
- Rosalin Suero Castillo: Drag Line, 2006, 1'26", U.S.A.
- Mariana Vassileva: Definition, 2006, 2'10'', Bulgary
Exposición central en:
CCCB - Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona
PARTICIPAN: Linda Aloysius, Stefanie Herr, Sandrine B Skellie, Ares Molins i Masat, Ariadna Arnés, Alejandra Garrido Becerra, Ana Alvarez-Errecalde, Ana Cardim, Antonia Cruz Subercaseaux, Ana Teresa Vicente, Carla Cabanas, Cata. González, Diana Martin Lapeña, Dozza & Lehmann, Gloria Royo Sanchis, Jacqueline Aeberhard, Lourdes Carcedo de Sebastián, Maider Mendaza, Maria Cecilia Avendaño Bobillier, Marita Contreras, Marta Torrent, MissAlessia, Nihal Mumcu, Paola de Grenet, Patricia Reis, Rosa Feliu Atienza, Barbara Sanchez Barroso, Eva Vázquez Abraham, Hanamaro Chaki, Mariana Najmanovich, Fabiola Hernández Rodríguez, Patu Tifinger / Jane Sacco, Pilar Barrios Varela, Françoise Vanneraud, Las Taradas (Mariaema Soler y Marta Fuertes), Lola Sandoval Ricart, Loretta Firmani S., Lula Goce, Sonia Carballo Socataba, Carmen García Huerta, Equipo Falso (Alfonso Fábrega y Alejandro Bedoya), Evelin Stermitz, Marta Jiménez Salcedo, Anavia, Anka Manshusen, Begoña Egurbide, Claudia Carrillo, Marta Amorós, Delphine Delas, Mariana Sarraute, Yapci Ramos, Valis C (Eduardo Infante), Carolina Diez-Cascón, Montse Campins Figueras, Agentemorillas, Tres perras, Mapi Gil, Remedios Sotillo Höhner (Javier Tles), Michelle Pinder, Magdalena Esteve, Antonia Ribiera Tur, Joana Paredes (Sixe), Mariluz (Pichiglas), Sra Woolman
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