Sunday 30th of November
Frascati, Nes 63, Amsterdam
Bookings: www.indenes.nl / 020 - 626 68 66
Entrance: 5 Euro
Upcoming If I Can't Dance Tonight features Sarah Pierce. Sarah Pierce will present a performance that is part of her project 'It's Time Man. It Feels Imminent' in which she interrogates the emptying-out of the political gesture and the way we negotiate agency in public space. The performance is related to her interest in in the way we speak about the political in art and what bearing in this respect the legacy of the 1970s conceptual art practices has on the present moment. The afternoon will be concluded by a contribution of Anne de Vries (music) and Voin de Voin (dance) focusing on 'disco spirit'.
The monthly event If I Can't Dance Tonight functions as a zone of experimentation and as a recurring element within the various activities of If I Can't Dance, I Don't Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution as a rolling platform. It offers an eclectic programme of performances, instantaneous exhibitions, conversations with artists, screenings, readings, etc. The Tonight events desire to provoke new ideas in the field of performative art practice in general, and to investigate notions of the masquerade in particular, giving time for in-depth discussion and exploration and for... dancing.
If I Can't Dance Tonight is financially supported by the Mondriaan Foundation, SNS Reaalfonds, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst and the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds. Special thanks to Frascati and the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten.
If I Can't Dance, I Don't Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution
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