The Artmarket takes place at the Schoepfwerk, which is a city within the city of Vienna, Austria. It is a huge housing complex with 4.950 residents living in 1.650 community owned apartments. The homogeneity of the population regarding age and income, as well as the fact that more than 50% of the residents are people with a migration background, contributes to increasing tendencies of exclusion and social isolation. The district center Bassena at the Schoepfwerk has been addressing these issues through community work and projects since the construction of the complex in 1980.
One of the projects the Bassena organizes is a weekly free bazaar, where residents are welcome to take for free any three items, such as toys, dishes or clothing. Inspired by this principle the Artmarket at the Schoepfwerk has been created as a new art and community project at the Bassena (Renate Schnee: www.bassena.at). The idea of it was to invite artists, musicians, activists… and others living in the Schoepfwerk as well as in other districts to participate and donate artworks. For the market day on Oct. 14, 2006, 800 items such as paintings, films, videos, soundtracks, multiples, sculptures and an ‘art annihilator’ [KunstvernichterIn] were collected and then offered to everyone for free. Visitors were also invited to a party and could participate in the film and discussion program.
The Artmarket at the Schoepfwerk is organized together with two art spaces: the ImPuls-Drogerie (Franz Brunner, Markus Hiesleitner, Klara Paterok: www.im-puls-drogerie.at) and the Austrian Association of Women Artists (Rudolfine Lackner, Anka Luger: www.vbkoe.org). It questioned the fact that for more than 99% of the world’s population the possession of art is unattainable. Starting out with the question of how to create a new model of exchange, as opposed to the usual market principles and the commercial art system, we worked out an alternative social concept for transaction. In that sense the Artmarket successfully freed up positive but also critical energies for all of those who participated. This year we are taking the further step of inviting artists to provide artwork specifically created for the Artmarket at the Schoepfwerk.
Rudolfine Lackner
2. Kunstmarkt Am Schöpfwerk
Samstag, 20. Oktober 2007, 14.00–19.00
Ort: Stadtteilzentrum Bassena Am Schöpfwerk 29/14, 1120 Wien (U6-Am Schöpfwerk), www.bassena.at
ANRONVIAGDPIOVSA/2007, Brandon LaBelle, Dominique, GirlsOnHorses, Mai Gogishvilli, René H., Reni Hofmüller, Biggi Holzwarth, kampolerta, Maiken Kloser, KulturDrogerie, Thomas Northoff, Ferry Rodinger, SambAttac, Anna Witt
Linda Bilda, Carla Cruz, Veronika Dirnhofer, Hilde Fuchs, Nina Höchtl, LILA, Cornelia Silli, Karin Sulimma, trans/gender, Mounty R. P. Zentara uvm.
14.00 Eröffnung mit SambAttac
15.00 Thomas Northoff: „Was wir sagen, wenn niemand zuhört. Führung zu Botschaften in TextGraffiti“
17.00 kampolerta: Intervention
17:30 Ferry Rodinger: „Mein Schöpfwerk“, Führung durch die Schöpfwerkanlage
19.00 KulturDrogerie: Die Insel
OrganisatorInnen: Franz Brunner, Stefan Hauk, Sabine Haslinger, Markus Hiesleitner, Rudolfine Lackner, Anka Luger, Klara Paterok, Renate Schnee
Kontakt: Renate Schnee, Sabine Haslinger: 01-667 94 80
SponsorInnen: Stadtteilzentrum Bassena, Wien Kultur
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