"Through the Flower is a non-profit Feminist art organization founded by Judy Chicago in 1978. Our mission is to educate a broad public about the importance of art and its power in countering the erasure of women's achievements." http://www.throughtheflower.org/
Dear fellow citizens Dear fellow occupants Dears sisters in brave And dear comrades in arms We might overcome That unbalanced life That goes without saying Attempted to follow - yes sir - a straight line. My share of the blame I've got to say I deserve I believed in their lies I believed in their lies When all of the beauty just seems to be wrong Then all of their words seem to belong To their everyday prozac, their everyday lies That they're everyday bangin' in my day-to-day mind
And the music turns minor And we buy prepacked needs And black condoms for our pleasure For their »pleasure strategies« And we all are invited To their big bingo show And we dance to their music From all to well-known And we raise up our hands And we take this for real But we should not agree to their predicted deal.
We live in their bulletproof-single-apartments While planning family-trees. And talk about taking action While wearing their Diesel-Jeans. We don't sweat we shit perfume. We're not ugly, We're a delight. Kept in uniforms And shopping-malls We are prerendered dolls Educated for their system Cultivated, liberalized And readymade And Hollywood-movie-sized
And we all are invited To their big bingo show And we dance to their music From all to well-known And we raise up our hands And we take this for real But we should not agree to their predicted deal NO!
We shall overcome one day And beat their monitoring arms, And spray graffitis on their walls To let them know that we're no longer their obedient toys We shall overcome one day Deep in my heart, I do believe That we can defeat This mess that we've bought - so far.
They won the people's choice award Declared the speechwriter's pen, But we have never really have been asked To put a cross beside their names But we all are invited To their big bingo shows And we dance to their music From all to well-known. And we raise up our hands And we take this for real But we should not agree to their predicted deal, NO!
We shall overcome one day And beat their monitoring arms And spray graffitis on their walls To let them know that we're no longer their obedient toys We shall overcome one day! And dear fellow citizens And dear fellow occupants And dear sisters in brave And dear comrades in arms: We shall overcome! Shall overcome one day Deep in my heart, I do believe That we can defeat This mess that we've bought So far.
So far.
da austriaca Gustav..."we shall overcome" do Album: Rettet Die Wale O joão começou 2007 com esta musica, eu gostaria de o terminar, porque não me sai da cabeça :-) e que fiquei a conhecer através do girl monster album chicks on speed 2006, presente de um outro joão :-)
you knew Donna Haraway was into dogs, right? So here is a piece of a conference 8 years ago where she talks about that exactly... "http://www.egs.edu/ Donna Haraway speaking about the birth of the kennel, cyborgs, dogs and companion species, humans, machines, computer, organisms, technoscience, genetics, nature, culture, consciousness, philosophy, emergent ontologies, social relationships, societies, michel foucault, figure, reference, cyborg manifesto, and socialist feminism. Free public open video lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS, Media and Communication Studies department program, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Europe, 2000. Donna Haraway." This egsvideo (european graduate school) webcharacter has very nice talks online by: Zizek, Hardt, Derrida, Butler, etc. Check it out... as I will continue Donna's speach... enjoy
Leticia Orue coordina este proyecto que tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre el género. Se propone realizar un trabajo colectivo y divertido, compuesto por reflexiones y aportaciones personales o grupales que permitan conocer y entender otras realidades. Con todas las aportaciones que se reciban se creará un fanzine.
¿Género? tendrá lugar en dos fases la primera del 27 al 29 de diciembre en espacio Abisal servirá para producir aportaciones in sitú.
"Welcome to the Feminist Art Base, the first online digital archive dedicated solely to feminist art. This ever-growing database offers profiles from the most prolific contributors to feminist art from the 1960s to the present. Each profile includes multiple images, video and audio clips, short biographies, CVs, and "Feminist Artist Statements." it is stated on the beginning of the page of Brooklyn Museum dedicated to Elizabeth A Sackler's feminist art database through a search box, a tag cloud or a alphabetic list, artists, scholars, curator's and the general public can find a world of feminist art. I hit femininity and then Orly Cogan - here is the image I picked - websites adresses, e-mail and images are then available... well... happy searches
The women that policy forgot Authors: Celia Hannon, Shawnee Keck,
How have thirty years of legislation, innumerable work based initiatives and training schemes failed the primary group of people who experience working poverty in Britain?
Policy countering gender discrimination has not gone far enough. Macro level approaches that established government departments and research taskforces represent an impressive start, but the next phase must look to the micro-level. Policy must start to address the day-to-day reality of young disadvantaged women. This includes appreciating how cultural, practical, and social issues join up to create significant barriers that severely hinder their economic mobility.
This report, commisioned by the YWCA, looks again at the nature of low pay and job segregation, but this time, it considers the local actors and micro level locations of responsibility. It delves deeper into who disadvantaged women are and the impact their different backgrounds and experiences might have on their employment prospects. It argues that we need a new set of policies focusing on the everyday exchanges in women’s working lives. ( PDF download for full text - below) http://www.demos.co.uk/publications/mindthegapreport
aqui vai uma das imagens da campanha Tagus pelo colectivo activista Panteras Negras.... e como li onde retirei esta imagem "Felizmente há muito mais cerveja para beber"
"O arruinamento do espaço da Fábrica, as suas características formais e o seu estado de abandono, aludem a uma desconstrução que está em processo. Partindo da leitura desta situação construiu-se o trabalho em suspenso, aludindo também a um processo neste caso de construção, de uma acção que a dado momento se detém. O trabalho é ainda permeável a outras leituras, pela utilização e disposição dos diversos materiais no espaço: utilizam-se materiais de construção, como a água, a areia e o cimento, que são também elementos da paisagem natural (a água, a terra) e elementos de paisagens urbanas (o cimento e a luz eléctrica), para criar uma imagem onde se alude – através do desenho projectado na parede e na instalação dos materiais no espaço - a uma paisagem que nos remete para uma viagem e nos transporta a um outro lugar que não deixa de ser familiar; o monte de areia que surge isolado pela água, remete-nos a um isolamento representativo de condicionamentos e condições contemporâneas, de relações de grupos ou do indivíduo."
Texto e imagens de Susana Chiocca, trabalho para o projecto A FABRICA - Laboratório das Artes Guimarães.
vejam também o trabalho da Paula Tavares, Gabriela Vaz Pinheiro, Vera Mota e Dalila Gonçalves (citando às AMIW) e todos os outros, claro está (Laboratório das Artes, para mais informação) Paula Tavares
Sandra Gil
no Espaço Ilimitado - Núcleo de Difusão Cultural / 17 de Novembro > 22 de Dezembro 2007
Rua de Cedofeita, 187 - 1º, 4050-179 Porto
Sexta-feira e Sábado, das 16h00 às 19h00 Ou por marcação prévia